My Last Day in Sicily

We have new volunteers now, the Lithuanian girls have gone and german/italian Aischa and american/italian Tim have arrived, separately. Aischa has been her for a couple of days now and for my last day when we finished cleaning the apartments we decided to skip lunch at home (lucky, because later we found out from Tim that it wasn’t ready until 3) and go to the sandy beaches that begin after the port in Catania. Continue reading

Putting Together an Opinion of Catania

I’m normally quite good at making quick opinions of cities, I either like them or I don’t, but Catania has been difficult.
Maybe its because I crippled myself on the second day (sea urchin) leading to much of the sight seeing being laced with pain or because I haven’t really been in a travelling state of mind – I feel very ready to head back to ‘normal’ life after nearly a year of living out of a 35L backpack.

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An 18th Birthday Party in Sicily with a Bang

I will begin with my first experience of 18th birthday celebrations in Catania: we were all sitting at the fountain in Plaza Teatro eating ice creams when three guys in nasty suits started posing at said fountain.
Just quickly back to the suits, when I say nasty, I mean really nasty. Picture light blue suits with dodgy starry shirts, badly fitting beige suit and those weird sailor shoes with red bows, last but not least my personal favourite, the one that looks like its been made out of somebodies grandma’s curtains, swirly foliage pattern galore.
Stunned by the suits it took us a moment to realise that there where serious photographers taking these horrendously cheesy photos with massive great cameras! And a video camera too. Luckily Luisa was there to enlighten us (surely they aren’t models!) explaining that it is most likely a photo shoot for one of their 18ths. Its standard here she says, everyone dresses up, has a big party and a photo shoot and or video. Watching them is a great way of procrastinating on youtube.

A couple of weeks later we got to witness the whole thing first hand. Continue reading

Our Sicilian Workaway

I cannot commend the website workaway enough, it has made our travels possible!
Since discovering it back in Septemberb or so we have been trying to get a workaway in Sicily.

It hasn’t been easy, but we finally sorted one and booked our tickets and here we are! I’m sure you want to know how we have been getting along…

20140804-130814-47294671.jpg Continue reading